Kirshbaum Injury Law

Minneapolis Car Accident

Twin Cities, Minnesota

Personal Injury Lawyers

Serving all of Minnesota

We help wrongfully injured people by telling their story to achieve maximum compensation.

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Minneapolis Car Accident Lawyer

Key Takeaways:

  • Minnesota car accidents can cause serious injuries, including spinal cord injuries and traumatic brain injuries.
  • Minnesota’s no-fault insurance law allows you to recover damages for car accident injuries no matter who was at fault.
  • You may be able to file a lawsuit against the at-fault driver in certain situations, such as if you suffered permanent injuries.
  • You have a limited amount of time to file a lawsuit, so it is important to contact a Minneapolis car accident lawyer quickly.

The Minneapolis–St. Paul area is a beautiful place to live. There is always something exciting to do: shopping at the Mall of America, seeing the latest show at the Walker Art Center, catching a Twins game at Target Field, or heading out for the biking and hiking trails at Minnehaha Falls. When you are enjoying time with your family and friends, and a reckless driver strikes you causing devastating injuries, your life can change instantly.

Car crashes occur in Minneapolis at an astounding rate, and while nobody ever wants to be involved in one, they can lead to immeasurable pain and suffering. The serious injuries and property damage they can create can be catastrophic. It gets even worse when the insurance company tries to get out of paying the insurance claims. Failure to take the right actions quickly after a car crash can even put your right to fair compensation at risk entirely.

That is why it is so important to have help from a qualified Minneapolis car accident lawyer. The personal injury attorneys at Kirshbaum Injury Law are ready to protect your rights. Reach out today for a free consultation, legal advice, and legal representation in your Minnesota car accident claim.

What Kind of Injuries Are Common in a Minneapolis Car Accident?

shoulder injury

Minnesota is no stranger to car accident cases, and Minneapolis car accident attorneys see a wide range of personal injury types resulting from auto accidents, motorcycle accidents, truck accidents, and other motor vehicle accidents every day. Some of the most common injuries from auto accidents include traumatic brain injuries, broken bones, neck injuries, disfigurement, and spinal injuries.

When these problems happen to you or a loved one, you need to act quickly to protect your rights with the help of a Minnesota car accident lawyer with years of experience in practice areas involving auto accidents. Contact the Minnesota personal injury lawyers from the Kirshbaum Injury Law law office by calling 952-545-2700 or through our online contact form for a free consultation today. Since our office is 100% virtual, you can receive high-quality legal representation from the comfort of your home.

Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injuries are some of the most severe and debilitating permanent injury cases we see because they can be invisible in that they show no physical signs but can result in detrimental suffering, including mental health issues, emotional damage, loss of coordination, and even problems with your body’s systems. Proving these types of injury cases often requires the help of knowledgeable and experienced attorneys.

Broken Bones

Broken bones usually heal in 6 weeks or so, but in some cases, especially in cases of compound fractures or shattered bones, they may never recover and carry lifelong consequences. Broken bones can sometimes result in permanently crippled limbs or even amputation, leaving you with a disability. If you have suffered shattered bones at the hands of a negligent motorist, Minneapolis car accident attorneys may be able to help.

Neck Injuries

When people hear about neck injuries, they often think of catastrophic car accident injuries like a broken neck which can leave you paralyzed or even be instantly fatal. Neck injuries can also involve soft tissue damage like whiplash, which can keep you out of commission for some time. In these cases, the at-fault driver is responsible for your pain and suffering, lost wages, and medical expenses, but a qualified Minnesota auto accident attorney gives you a better chance for significant compensation.


Disfigurement can cover everything from mangled limbs to severe scarring. Sometimes the damage disfigured car accident victims suffer is just to their appearance; other times, it involves lifelong disability. In either case, it can carry years of pain and suffering and sometimes require lifelong medical care. Even if the disfigurement is facial scarring, those who endure these sorts of injuries to their appearance can experience social consequences and mental health conditions that never fully heal.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Your spine carries messages from your brain to your body and back. When you breathe, messages travel through your spinal cord. When you move your hands and feet, your spinal cord is involved. When your spine suffers an injury, just about any part of your body can also be affected, from your heart and lungs to suffering full paralysis.

You may lose your range of motion, strength, or sensation in your extremities. You can even suffer problems with your digestive system because your body is now receiving conflicting signals from your brain. These injuries can take years of physical therapy to recover. Sometimes, recovery is simply not possible.

Permanent Disability

Permanent disability can take several forms. Whether you lose a limb, become paralyzed from an accident, or suffer invisible injuries like mental health and emotional trauma, a disability can ruin your life.

When you suffer permanent disability, you deserve compensation for your lost wages, pain and suffering, and extensive medical expenses, whether it involves the loss of your limbs, amputation, mental health, or emotional disabilities. The car insurance company, however, will go out of its way to avoid payouts, and auto accident lawyers may be required to hold the at-fault party responsible.

What Do I Need to Do After a Car Accident in Minneapolis?

two damaged cars on road

First, you need to act quickly after a Minneapolis, MN car crash because, like every state, Minnesota has a statute of limitations, which here is usually six years after the date of the accident, or in the case of a wrongful death suit where you have lost a loved one, six years after the date of death. While that may seem like a long time, it is vital to act swiftly because the longer you wait, the harder it is to collect evidence and build a strong case for compensation.

Immediately after your accident, contact first responders. It is essential to ensure that everyone, including you, gets medical attention. Some injuries take many months to present symptoms, and seeking medical care promptly can help prevent them from worsening. It also shows that you took your situation seriously from the start. While the police are on site, file a police report. While it cannot be used as evidence, it is an essential tool and point of reference as the legal process moves forward.

Next, gather evidence at the scene — exchange information with the other driver. Get the contact information for any witnesses. Take photos and draw diagrams. Any evidence you collect may be helpful to your personal injury claim. Never apologize for anything at the scene of the accident.

When you get home, report the case to your insurance company. It is important to do this quickly. Your insurance policy may even require it to maintain your coverage. Do not apologize, and do not editorialize any events of the accident. Simply state factual information and nothing more. The time to tell your story will come. After you make the initial report, you may not have to speak to the insurance company again. You can have your attorney take over communication.

Finally, get in touch with an experienced lawyer who is well-versed in the personal injury law issues surrounding car accidents. The trial lawyers at the law office of the Kirshbaum Injury Law are ready to help you seek compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Who Can File a Claim for a Car Accident in Minnesota?

Anyone with at least $4,000 in medical bills or a disability or injury that lasts for at least 60 days can file a claim. You can also file a claim if you have suffered an injury your doctor says is permanent. You and your Minneapolis auto accident lawyer will need to prove that the responsibility for the accident lies with the other driver’s negligence.

Negligence is a legal term that involves four factors. The first and easiest to prove is the existence of a duty of care. Every driver on the roads has a duty of care to behave responsibly and not put others at undue risk. The second factor is demonstrating that the other driver violated this duty of care. They must have behaved in a way that was reckless to the point that a reasonable person would not act that way (this is sometimes called the reasonable person standard).

Consider drunk driving, for example. A reasonable person does not consume alcohol and then drive their car. In this case, it is clear that the driver violated their duty of care and acted in an unreasonably irresponsible way.

Third, we must show that their violation of the duty of care led in some way, either directly or proximately, to the accident. Finally, we must demonstrate that your damages are the direct result of the accident.

Where Does Compensation for Serious Injuries After a Car Crash Come From in Minneapolis?

The first thing to understand about Minnesota personal injury law is that it is a no-fault state where motor vehicle accidents are concerned. While this may sound intimidating, it does not mean that there is no at-fault driver in your accident. It simply refers to beginning the process of your car accident injury claim.

No-Fault Insurance

Under no-fault laws, every driver in Minnesota must carry no-fault insurance, also called personal injury protection or PIP. The reason for no-fault insurance is to improve service for accident victims. The idea is that you will initially report your accident to your insurance company, and they will pay your medical bills and injury claim. You can still sue the other driver for liability, but the intent behind the law was to make it easier for you to get the compensation you need quickly.

Unfortunately, the law has loopholes, and insurance companies will use almost any excuse to get out of paying your claim. The reason for this is simple: insurance companies are for-profit businesses, and your safety is not their greatest concern. Making money is their concern, and they do not make money by paying out substantial injury claims. As such, they will pressure or even blame you for the accident just to deny your claim or get you to sign away your rights on a mediocre offer. When you allow your car accident lawyer to handle communications with your insurance company, you do not have to worry about accidentally incriminating yourself. A lawyer will work their hardest to fight for your rights and represent you fairly.

Liability Insurance

Liability insurance is another legal requirement. It refers to the clause on your insurance policy that pays for damage to other people. When you get hurt in an accident, the other driver’s liability insurance is supposed to cover your damages. Unfortunately, policy limits state the maximum the insurance will cover. If, for example, your case is worth $200,000, but the at-fault driver’s insurance only covers up to $100,000, you may have to sue them directly for the remaining $100,000.

Underinsured Motorist Coverage

Underinsured motorist coverage is not required under Minnesota law but may be a good idea to carry. It allows you to request coverage from your insurance company if their coverage exceeds your policy coverage limits. If, for example, the other driver’s insurance maxes out in the situation above, but you carry $100,000 in underinsured motorist coverage, your insurance can pay the remainder of the claim.

None of these payouts is easy to get. In a perfect world, they would be, but as it stands, you may have to fight for every penny, and that is where a Minneapolis car accident lawyer becomes critically important.

Why Work With Kirshbaum Injury Law?

Kirshbaum Injury Law represents clients from all over Minnesota, from the Twin Cities of Minneapolis–St. Paul to Woodbury and beyond. We are a 100% virtual law firm, meaning we put accessibility and convenience for accident victims ahead of anything else. We are ready to fight for the maximum fair compensation you deserve in your injury case, including:

  • Lost wages;
  • Loss of future earnings and retirement funds;
  • Medical care, including medication, doctor’s visits, in-home care, and transportation to medical visits;
  • Pain and suffering;
  • Emotional trauma;
  • Loss of consortium, comfort, and support; and
  • Loss of the ability to enjoy life.

Our law office has over 40 years of experience handling all types of vehicle crashes and personal injury claims, from car to truck to motorcycle accidents. Our work allows you to focus on the all-important task of recovery and returning to your daily routine.


“Attorney James Kirshbaum injury law firm has been a life-saver for me. After my involvement in an auto accident, Jim and his team worked hard to get me the treatment I needed. I am particularly impressed with their professionalism, courtesy, and timeliness. They bring a unique touch of empathy to the practice of law. I will forever be indebted to them for giving me my life back after my accident, not to mention the settlement I received. I highly recommend the Kirshbaum injury law firm to anyone needing legal assistance.” — Kwame H.

“From the very beginning, I felt that James Kirshbaum was there for me. I could not thank Jim, Adriana, and everybody else at Kirshbaum Injury Law enough for all of their hard work and passionate dedication. They answered all of my questions and concerns, and guided me every step of the way. They were thoughtful, genuine, and professional. Because of them, I am very happy with the outcome of my case. I highly recommend Kirshbaum Injury Law!” — Jaime W.

“We were treated with extreme courtesy from the first intake call all the way to resolution. We were given ample time to explain things. There were always people available to answer questions and we were kept up to date throughout the process.” — Paul G

Resolve Your Minneapolis Claim Right From Your Home

You have enough stress when you have been in an accident. Between getting to and from doctor’s appointments, fighting with the insurance company, and just trying to get well again, you must already manage enough factors. You should not worry about finding a way to drive to a lawyer’s office to discuss your case. With Kirshbaum Injury Law, you can resolve your injury claim right from the comfort of your own couch.

We are a completely digital law firm. That means there is no need to drive for hours through traffic while you nurse injuries trying to get to your lawyer’s office. All you have to do is reach out to us, and we will give you a case evaluation, provide legal advice and representation, and pursue your case online. This is a digital age, and we have embraced the virtual world to make things as convenient for you as they should be. Our law firm is all about accessibility.

You deserve fair compensation to help you maintain a reasonable standard of living, pay for your medical bills, cover your lost wages, and compensate you for the pain and suffering you face daily. Contact our law firm at 952-214-4209 or fill out our online contact form to get your free case evaluation today.

Frequently Asked Questions About Minneapolis Car Accidents

Who Pays for an Accident in Minneapolis?

Minnesota is a no-fault insurance state. This means that your own insurance policy’s personal injury protection coverage will cover many damages no matter who is the at-fault driver. Motorists in Minnesota can only sue an at-fault party for damages in certain situations, such as if a car crash resulted in permanent injuries or disfigurement.

How Long After an Accident Can You File a Claim in Minnesota?

Minnesota’s statute of limitations for filing a car accident claim in state court is two years from the date of the accident.

Why Should I Wait to Talk With an Insurance Adjuster?

The insurance adjuster is not on your side. Their job is to justify a lowball settlement offer. If you do not have an experienced Minneapolis auto accident lawyer on your side, they may try to persuade you to accept far less than what you deserve. Almost all settlements that we reach are for significantly more than the insurance company’s initial offer.

What Are Common Types of Car Accidents?

Common types of Minnesota car accidents include:

  • Rear-end collisions;
  • Head-on collisions;
  • T-bone collisions;
  • Sideswipes;
  • Rollover accidents; and
  • Hit-and-run accidents.